How much Seth is in you?

Many of you have taken classes or somehow have been inspired by Seth Panitch. You try your hardest in class and can measure your personal growth in pounds. But there's still something missing. You don't feel quite exceptional. This is probably because you are a mere mortal.

How much Seth is in you? How steadfast is your constitution? With this quiz you will be able to discover whether you are up to scratch on the Panitch percentile or whether you need to work a little harder. However, if you did not come to this quiz properly prepared then I am afraid that you will have to!

Created by: Dawn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you sleep at night?
  2. Describe your perfect date:
  3. How much liquor can you handle?
  4. Tell us a secret:
  5. Are you prepared?
  6. What does your workout consist of?
  7. What do you eat for breakfast?
  8. You're late for an audition...
  9. What are you wearing right now?
  10. How do you envision your death.

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