How much of a procrastinater are you?

There are many people who procrastine out there in the world, but, have you ever wondered if you are one of them? Are you curious to find out? Well, take this quiz and find out!

Okay, there are only six questions. I think technically you only need to answer the last three, but if you want to answer the first three too, go ahead. Anyway, I hope you all get good results! =D

Created by: ICEE CHILL
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Okay, for the following questions, just pretend (it's a roleplay).
  2. You just came home from school, knowing that you have a ton of homework to do. What do you do?
  3. Time to do the laundry!
  4. Time to walk the dog!

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Quiz topic: How much of a procrastinater am I?