How Much Of A Harry Potter Fan Are You?

Hello! I am Narissa Perez (That is my witch name) and and I am the creator of this quiz! This quiz will tell you how much you truly know about Harry Potter.

These are mostly easy questions, and you should be able to get a decent amount of them correct. But if you don't, it isn't a big deal. If you want to know more about Harry Potter, take some other quizzes that will also have some decent info in them so you can start to learn more about this subject.

Created by: Narissa Perez
  1. 1. Which of these is used to turn back time?
  2. What house is Lucius Malfoy in?
  3. What house was Cedric Diggory sorted into?
  4. Who is Hermione?
  5. What is the spell you use to cast a patronus?
  6. What is Harry's Patronus?
  7. What is Ron's Patronus?
  8. What is Hermione's Patronus?
  9. What is Harry's Blood status?
  10. What is Hermione's blood status?

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Quiz topic: How Much Of A Harry Potter Fan am I?

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