How much like john caunt are you?

theres nice people, nasty people weird people, strange people, then theres john caunt, hes the worst type of person you could meet. Hell go after your girlfriend. make out with any girl no age limit required (preferably younger). Do you dare find out if you are a john caunt?

are YOU the worlds worst type of person? yes? no? do you go after your friends girl friends and would go out with any one in the street? take this quiz to find out how much of a john caunt you are. Do you dare find out if you are a john caunt?

Created by: Daniel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats the oldest girl you've went out with?
  2. Have you ever "gotten busy"?
  3. How many real friends have you got?
  4. In the "love" base system which base have you reached?
  5. How many friends Gfs have you tried to steel off a friend?
  6. Do you have a life?
  7. Favorite film?
  8. Which main games console do you own?
  9. Do you think your like John Caunt?
  10. Does you mom work in a bank?

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Quiz topic: How much like john caunt am I?