How much like Carlos Arambula are you?

There is probably nobody in this world or the next that dumps grease on themself because they think it looks good. But i know one person who does. His name is Carlos Arambula. Find out some amazing facts about how this strange boy lives his everyday life with the "How much like Carlos Arambula?" quiz. Have fun!!! murrrrrrr

Are you anything like this loserific greasemonkey extravaganza? Well lets hope not. Well if you just take this quiz, you can find out. Good luck and remember, may the grease be with you... murrrr.

Created by: Josh

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you murrr?
  2. Have you been accused of being, greasy?
  3. Have you had the chance to get some but didnt take it?
  4. Do you only have 4 or less friends?
  5. Murrr?
  6. Have you ever bought the same sweatshirt twice in a row?
  7. Do you think that picking on your 10 year old brother makes you cool?
  8. Do you call people dicks, f---ers, and asses?
  9. Someone calls you greasy, you:
  10. Do you get out often?
  11. Are you a vampire?

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Quiz topic: How much like Carlos Arambula am I?