how much Hallie N do you have in you?

Well i guess your taking this test cause your as bored as i was when i made it. Its about one of my good friends named hallie. i hope she doesnt get mad when/if she sees it on here lol.

So are you like her? do you have enough strength to live life to the fullest? well take the quiz and find out. what are you waiting for? man how come there has to be a letter limit on this crap. sdjkhgskjhga

Created by: hallie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. when at the movie theater where do you sit and how loud are you?
  2. do you walk on the side walk or in the middle of the street like you own in
  3. do people often look at you like your stupid?
  4. when you go out to eat with your friends whos the loudest one in the group?
  5. whens your birthday?
  6. what kind of music do you listen to?
  7. do you like to be at your house? even when your friends are there
  8. what "group" are you in?
  9. how is your laugh doing?
  10. do you steel the letters on the board at white castel cause there food sucks so bad, or just for fun

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Quiz topic: How much Hallie N do I have in you?