how much does your man love you?

there are many loving men out there but I hope your man is one of them. Also I hope your man doesn't use you and if so.... You should simply leave your man.

does your man love you??? Well hopefully he does because if he doesn't then like I said GET ON THAT SINGLE-TRAIN!!!!!!!!! Please if your man doesn't love you leave him for a better one.

Created by: brooklynn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. does your man go out all the time and says he is going to work?
  2. dose your man want to watch movies with you 24/7?
  3. does your man cuddle with you after sex?
  4. how many times a week you have sex?
  5. does your man tell you that your beautiful?
  6. does your man kiss you or make-out with you when watching a movie?
  7. does your man say he loves you out of no where?
  8. is your man over effectionate in public?
  9. does your man set up dinners for no reason?
  10. And finally,how does your man treat you?

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Quiz topic: How much does my man love you?