How much do you you deserve a Divine/Wild/Special?

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Many players on Howrse think they should have a divine. But do you really deserve it? have you put in the time and effort it takes to truly earn such a great prize?

Do you deserve a divine, wild, or special horse? Have you worked hard enough, long enough, and been patient enough? It only takes a few minutes to find out!

Created by: Zapporah Chambers
  1. How old are you? (Previous question doesn't count)
  2. How much equus do you have?
  3. How many divines, wilds, or specials do you currently have?
  4. What are the skills of your highest skilled horse?
  5. What is your current general ranking?
  6. What is your current seniority?
  7. Which best represents your BMI inventory?
  8. How many passes do you have?
  9. How did you earn your passes?
  10. Why do you play Howrse?
  11. What is my name?

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Quiz topic: How much do I you deserve a Divine/Wild/Special?