How Much do You Want to be in Diapers?

The number of Diaper Lovers in the world is increasing everyday. It's a socially weird thing to even want diapers, let alone use them. Because of that, a lot of fellow diaper lovers are left hanging with questions.

This test will help you understand how much you want to be in diapers by asking questions that I haven't seen on any diaper quiz before (and I've probably done them all!). Be honest with yourself!

Created by: Hello
  1. Have you ever wet yourself on purpose (pants and/or bed)?
  2. You're sleeping alone, and you wet the bed on accident, how do you feel?
  3. Have you ever wanted diapers?
  4. Have you ever worn them on purpose, even after potty training?
  5. You're told that you have to be in diapers for the rest of your life. How do you feel?
  6. How often do you think about diapers
  7. How would you feel if you were diaper punished for a week?
  8. How would you feel if you were diaper punished for a month?
  9. How would you feel if you were diaper punished for a year?
  10. If you've never been on diaper punishment, have you ever wanted to be? If you've been on diaper punishment, did you like it?
  11. Do you ever wish that everyone went back to diapers?
  12. You pee your diaper, how much?
  13. If someone close to you decided to tell you they wear diapers because they like to wet themselves, how would you feel?
  14. Do you know you're a Diaper Lover?
  15. Would you ever want to lose full control of your bladder?
  16. Have you ever thought about making yourself incontinent?
  17. Would you ever make yourself incontinent?
  18. Have you ever thought about wetting yourself and bed enough times for you to be put back in diapers or be put on diaper punishment?
  19. How much do you wear or want to wear diapers?
  20. Have you ever bought, or wanted to buy diapers for yourself to try?
  21. Would you do it (or have you done it) again?
  22. Do you/did you do it secretly?
  23. You come home from a long day (whether school or work), and for some reason, your undies are nowhere to be found. But your underwear drawer has been completely supplied with diapers. Your reaction?
  24. Have you taken quizzes about diaper lovers before?
  25. Have you ever watched adult videos where people wet their diapers?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Want to be in Diapers?

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