How Much Do You Remember?

This quiz is in relation to the website you should have just read on World War I. It will test you on what you learned from going through the site and tell you if you should take another look.

Check out this quiz to tell you how much you know about the causes and events of World War I. If you have checked out the site, you should do very well!

Created by: Lindsey of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. What event occurred on June 28, 1914 and was the event that sparked World War I?
  2. What war helped unite Germany prior to WWI?
  3. The Balkans were known as the ______ ____ of Europe because of the constant tension in the area.
  4. The sinking of the ______ resulted in the deaths of 114 American citizens sparking anti-German sentiment in the U.S.
  5. Otto Von Bismark was from what country?
  6. A system of alliances led to what process that drug most of Europe into war?
  7. Germany was forced to fight a war on which two fronts?
  8. Who were the Allied Powers?
  9. Who were the Central Powers?
  10. Woodrow Wilson was the president of which country that declared war on April 2, 1917?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Remember?