How much do you like SMOSH?

If you are like me, a SMOSH lover, than you will know that THEY. ARE. GOD. But in this quiz you will get the chance to prove your his number 2-100 fan. Not number 1 though coz IM fan number one.

Show this to your frenz and see who deserves those tickets or deserves every to be the leader of the fan club. Please respect me. Coz I'm the best. Also, check out my YouTube channel please. My name is: IssyBellBug

Created by: Issy (smosh#1fan)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. SMOSH.
  2. How hot is Anthony of a score from 1-10?
  3. What does Ian say when he feels pain?
  4. Do you want to meet them?
  5. How often do you think about SMOSH..*faints thinking about them*
  6. How much do you love them?
  7. What's the girl version of "Ian"? Issy. What's the girl version of Anthony? Aimee. I'm called Issy and my BFF is called Aimee. I've got the same weird personality as Ian and the same hair colour. Aimee has the same hair colour as Anthony and she's and emo. Also she used to have an emo hairstyle but she cut it and now it's normal. Is that weird?
  8. What's their game called?
  9. What would your reaction be if they came up to you?
  10. How often do you go on their YouTube account?
  11. Maybe checkout my YouTube? My name is: IssybellBug. Thx for competing my quiz and stay awesome...that was really cheesy

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Quiz topic: How much do I like SMOSH?