How much do you know rod torque redline? (from cars 2)

Do you want to know if you know a certain character at all? Why not test your knowlage about the greatest american spy in da worald: RDO TORQUE REDLINE! Hope you know him well

Hey its me again and i wanted to make this quiz because i was bored. I hope you get a good score and have fun! Rod is my fave character and i hope he's yours too! HAVE FUN!

Created by: Drewsilla
  1. Where is Rod Torque Redline from?
  2. What colors are rod torque redline?
  3. What gender is rod?
  4. What is Rod's job?
  5. How old is Rod?
  6. True or False? Rod dies in the movie and not in real life.
  7. Ok here is a hard one!: What does his license plate say?
  8. What type of car is rod?
  9. Do you like this quiz?
  10. Is rod smart?
  11. Last one. True or false? Rod is a recrut from the Cold War

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Quiz topic: How much do I know rod torque redline? (from cars 2)