How much do you know Frozen Fever?

There are so many fans, but few are TRUE fans. Fans are a bit eager and stuff but they ain't true fans! What is a true fan? Who is a true fan?! A fan is someone you absolutely care about! They are many fans throughout theworld.

Are you a true fan? Do you have the effort to be one about Frozen Fever? Until now you can only wonder. But thanks to this fan quiz, in a few minus you'll find out who you really are!

Created by: galaxycat123

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Ok so first of all... had you watched Frozen Fever?
  2. In the film whose birthday is it?
  3. In Frozen Fever, what's the name of the song
  4. In the movie who says "Watch That Cake!"
  5. What sickness does Elsa seem to have?
  6. What does Elsa spawn when she sneezes
  7. What color does her dress turn into when she said "A cold never bothered me anyway."
  8. What were the little baby snowmen trying to accomplish
  9. What flavor was the cake
  10. What does Olaf spell when he tries fixing the banner that said Happy Birthday Anna
  11. Last question. This is for fun. On a scale 1-10 how much did you like the short film

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Frozen Fever?