How much do you know about Wolf's Rain?

Most people is not a genius, is not the skilled one in Wolf's Rain subject... But i am sure that you can be! If you watched the TV show and read the manga, Surely you will!

Are YOU the skilled one that knows EVERYTHING about Wolf's Rain TV show?? Or you aren't? Maybe you are in the middle of both! You can take this great quiz and find it out!

Created by: Kibagirl
  1. "Paradise. There's no way something like that exists. That place that i __________ on to reach guided by the scent of the _______, too... It's still far away from this" -Kiba Complete.
  2. Who's the first wolf that Kiba meets?
  3. What happens to Darcia when he arrives to the Paradise ;)? (Hey! It can be a lie; maybe Darcia died before reaching Paradise ;) )
  4. What is Wolf's Rain's ending song name?
  5. Stray song: In the cold breeze, that i walk alone the memories, the generation burns within me Been forever since I've the pain of sorrow, i live and die, the pride that my people gave me. I'm standing on the ____. (...)
  6. With who ia related the collar that Hige has in his neck?
  7. Who is Yokko Kanno?
  8. Wolf's Rain Second Season. True or False?
  9. How many episodes have Wolf's Rain?
  10. What type of wolf Kiba is?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Wolf's Rain?