How much do you know about wings of fire all books

Hi everyone this quiz was made before the dangerous gift came out and my friend Sunny here is telling me she thinks you will do a great job with this quiz.

Sunny just left and told me she is coming back with a bunch of dragons to congratulate you and she says she will be back by the time you finish this quiz bye

Created by: DragonSpeaker
  1. In witch book did Glory bring an army to the night kingdom
  2. What is the seawings part of the prophecy
  3. Why dose Sunny not like Blister
  4. Why is Moon worried about Darkstaker power in Perils book
  5. Why dose Winter let Foeslayer go
  6. What objects to pantalen dragons read on
  7. Why is Clearsight so important to pantala
  8. What is Sundews purpose
  9. Where is Queen snowfall last seen
  10. Last question are you exited for the next book?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about wings of fire all books
