How much do you know about TOTK?

No joke... I would like you ro know that ii spent a long time making this...jdlkjhdlfkjsdhbgjvwypoifd pviherfg jiwuey ighiruafboiwurg liawuflwiuybgifa

ks;lg peog ;eor g;oooohoeriugt; houe4ir gyw;hoerui gylhoeurkjdfgy hloerukyj gh;oerkujygh loiu5keryj ghliwueyj hlwireugy lserikgh leruyghelriugy lrriseu yehdg

Created by: John
  1. What is the name of the enemy that will eat your equipment?
  2. Who is Link?
  3. Is Purah hot?
  4. How many Zonai symbols of the secret stones can you get on your loading screen?
  5. I'm sorry...
  6. Which character of these has special dialogue if you talk to them with no clothes on?
  7. Would you smash Riju?
  8. Now, who is the final boss of TOTK?
  9. Which of these is Zelda's dad?
  10. Not at all related to TOTK: Which one of these groups of Zelda Characters do I have a crush on? (Hint: I have to like both characters in the group.)

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about TOTK?
