How much do you know about the Jonas Brothers?

This is a Jonas Brother fan quis and if you think you got what it takes to master this quiz then please take it and see how well you know the jonas brothers! GOOD LUCK!!!

Do you think you got what it takes to complete abd master this quiz?TAKE THE QUIZ NOW and see how well you know the jonas brothers!Can you get 100%?take the quiz and see!

Created by: tmdqjb
  1. Where is the Jonas Brothers hometown?
  2. What was Joe Jonas's favorite subject in school?
  3. What is Joes favorite color?
  4. What is Joes favorite food?
  5. What is Kevin Jonases favorite sport?
  6. What is Kevin jonases favorite song by the Jonas Brothers?
  7. What is Kevin Jonases favorite childhood book?
  8. What is Nick Jonases favorite drink?
  9. Who is one of Nick Jonases best friends?(thats a girl but not a girlfriend)
  10. What is Nick Jonases favorite movie?
  11. What are the Jonas Brothers parents names?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the Jonas Brothers?