how much do you know about the football 08 season

This is just a little somethin I put together to see if anyone else liked the game as much as I do, but with out being that creepy obsessed person who has to TiVo all the games and watch them more than once just to double check all the challenges and rulings on the field.

Do you know your football like you tell your friends you do. Well, here is your chance to find out. Just take about five minutes out of you day and kind out how much you really know.

Created by: jenn

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is the TE for the Redskins?
  2. Who is the executive VP for the Dolphins?
  3. Who is the starting QB for the Steelers?
  4. Where are the Giants located?
  5. Finish the sentence..."Braylon Edwards is a WR for the Cleveland _________."
  6. Brandon Jacobs plays for what team?
  7. NFC stands for what?
  8. What is the mascot for Seattle?
  9. AFC stands for what?
  10. Joe Montana was the QB for what football franchise?
  11. What two teams played in Super Bowl one on January 15, 1967?
  12. How many times have the Chiefs won the Super Bowl?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the football 08 season