How Much Do You Know About Rats?

There are many pets in the world, many of them are high maitenence and large, but rats are small, fury, freindly and low maitenence. (i need to make this longer so that it goes through and i don't know what else to write so here is where i just ramble on and say a lot about nothing: i like horses too, maybe i should put a horse quiz on here, i don't know)

How much do you know about rats? are they the right pet for you? find out in this quiz. (i need to make this longer so that it goes through and i don't know what else to write so here is where i just ramble on and say a lot about nothing: i like horses too, maybe i should put a horse quiz on here, i don't know)

Created by: Nicole
  1. Rats are nocturnal.
  2. How many babies do rats usually have?
  3. How many nipples do females have?
  4. Do rats teeth continue growing throughout their lives?
  5. Rats can chew through concrete?
  6. How long do Rats live?
  7. Rats can learn to come to you on command.
  8. Rats bite their handlers often.
  9. Rats with red eyes are evil.
  10. Why don't adult rats run on excersize wheels very often?
  11. Rats cannot eat chocolate, they are like cats and dogs.
  12. What do rats do with the plecenta after they give birth?
  13. What age do females reach sexually maturity?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Rats?