How much do you know about Nexon

How much do you know about Nexon??? Hopefully your not too much of a no life freak who plays too much...or a person who don't know anything But anyways good luck, and hopefully you will be able to past this gay quiz.

Are YOU a Nexon nerd...or just someone who really need to know much? This really gay quiz can help tell. It not the best quiz on Nexon...but good luck!

Created by: Jessica
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is false about the given info... On maplestory, I have a level 31 cleric with level 17 heal.
  2. What was removed from nexon?
  3. If one game was removed...what 2 games were added?
  4. What game was added mouths ago?
  5. Which game had it's 3 anniversry 2 weeks ago? (July 12th, 2008)
  6. MINI QUIZ TIME!!! Which game do I play most?
  7. Which of the two games has animals sold first?
  8. If you want to be a GM in any game, then how do you become one?
  9. How do you play Audition?
  10. Who was the FIRST to reach level 200 in Maplestory

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Nexon