how much do you know about Neon Genesis Evamgelion

Have you seen Neon Genesis Evangelion? then come and take this test, see how much you know about the series. It´s a verry complicated serie, but if you think you can do it then don´t think twice, just do it! I bet it will felt good to find out exactly how much you know about NGE

Do you think that you know a lot about Neon Genesis Eavnegelion? Come and prove it! If you can... not many people can pas this test, but I´m sure you are willing to find out if matbe YOU can pas it. I bet you can but I can´t be sure until you prove it!

Created by: sofi-chan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What´s the name of the main charater in this manga series?
  2. How old are the tree children?
  3. What´s the name of the fourth child?
  4. What kind of pet does Misato.san have?
  5. Which EVA belongs to Asuka Soryu?
  6. What do they call the big EVA-like creature?
  7. The first time you get to se Asuka Soryu she is wearing a dress, what´s the colour of that dress?
  8. What´s the colour of Shinji´s mother´s hair?
  9. What�?�´s the name of the third angel?
  10. What instrument does Shinji play?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Neon Genesis Evamgelion