How much do you know about Matilda The Musical

This is a Matilda the Musical quiz you can do it even if you have not read the book watched the movie or Musical. It's ok if you do not to very good just have fun!

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Created by: Sheridan
  1. What are Matilda's classmates' names?
  2. Who wrote the Matilda book?
  3. What are the names of the girls who play Matida in the Del Rio Upstagers of Matilda the Musical?
  4. What are the names of the girls who play Lavinder in the Del Rio Upstagers of Matilda the Musical?
  5. What are the names of the girls who play Amanda in the Del Rio Upstagers of Matilda the Musical?
  6. What are the names of the girls who play Hortensia in the Del Rio Upstagers of Matilda the Musical?
  7. What are the names of the girls who play Alice in the Del Rio Upstagers of Matilda the Musical?
  8. What are the names of the girls who play Erica in the Del Rio Upstagers of Matilda the Musical?
  9. What is the name of the boy who plays Tommy in the Del Rio Upstagers of Matilda the Musical?
  10. What is the name of the boy who plays Bruce in the Del Rio Upstagers of Matilda the Musical?
  11. What is the Matilda the Musical Based from?
  12. What does the Trunchbull do to Eric?
  13. What happens in Mirical?
  14. Wat does Lavender Put in the Trunchbull's jug of water?
  15. What is the name of the person who plays Nigel in the Del Rio Upstagers Matilda The Musical?
  16. What does Matilda do with her eyes ( there are two things)
  17. What is Alice's solo in Revolting Children?
  18. What is Tommy's solo in Revolting Children?
  19. What is Nigel's solo in Revolting Children?
  20. What is Lavinder's solo in Revolting Children?
  21. What is Hortensia's solo in Revolting Children?
  22. What is Bruce's solo of these in Revolting Children?
  23. Who are the three people of Matilda's class Who do not have a solo in Revolting Children?
  24. What is Matilda's brother's name?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Matilda The Musical
