How much do you know about hyenas?

Hyenas are interesting animals, and there's many cool things about them. If you've seen the information page, you'll know all about what hyenas eat and how they behave.

Whether you've read about hyenas or just want to test your skills on hyena knowledge, this a fun quiz for you to take! If you want to do some studying, note that all the answers to the questions are on the site!

Created by: tigerhyena37
  1. How many cubs are in a hyena's litter?
  2. Which is the hyena more closely related to?
  3. How many species of hyena are there?
  4. What is a hyena's lifespan?
  5. Where do hyenas deposit their droppings?
  6. What is a group of hyenas called?
  7. Which gender is more dominant?
  8. Which prey is not eaten by hyenas?
  9. What is the scientific name of the hyena?
  10. What can hyenas not do?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about hyenas?