How much do you know about horses? (medium.)

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this quiz is similiar to my first quiz ; how much do you know about horses? (Easy.) only this is the medium level. it contains harder questions than in the other one.

the questions are harder, and at the end of the quiz when you have answerede all the questions , you will get a scor from zero to a hundred percent. enjoy!

Created by: clara
  1. wich of these is NOT a horse but a pony?
  2. what do you use to pick stones and dirt out of a horses hoof?
  3. how do you controll a horse?
  4. what do horses eat?
  5. is a bit the part of the bridle that goes into the horses mouth?
  6. is a haflinger a pony breed or a horse breed?
  7. wich of these do horses not eat?
  8. do you use your reins to keep your balance?
  9. what is a baby horse called?
  10. do horses have long manes when they are born?
  11. what do you use to lead a horse?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about horses? (medium.)