how much do you know about harry potter

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Do you ever wonder if you are a harry potter genius??? Well here is your chance to know if you are. Just take this short little quiz and know if you are :-)

This quiz has questions about all the harry potter books 1-7. Some of these questions are hard and some of them are a piece of cake. I do hope you enjoy my quiz!!!

Created by: heidi
  1. Who sent Harry his Firebolt?
  2. In which book did Albus Dumbledore die? :'(
  3. If you unscramble Tom Marvolo Riddle what do you spell?
  4. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows which chapter do Bill and Fleur get married?
  5. How many kids did Harry and Ginny have?
  6. Who were Ron and Harry`s first girlfriends?
  7. Who was the half blood prince?
  8. Which chapter is called the battle of hogwarts?
  9. Who was trying to steal the sorcerer`s Stone
  10. Who was trying to steal the sorcerer`s Stone

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about harry potter