How Much Do You Know About Frozen?

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Welcome to a fun quiz about the movie Frozen. We will find out how much you know about Frozen!

Who is it about? What happened? Where did it take place? When did it take place? Why did it happen? How did it happen? Hello, I am amazing. Thank you!

Created by: Madi and Jenna
  1. What does Anna say when she first wakes up on coronation day?
  2. What Easter Egg does Anna see when she walks out of the castle for the first time in forever?
  3. How long did Hans' brothers pretend he was invisible?
  4. When does The Duke Of Wessleton's hair flop forward?
  5. Which of Elsa's gloves is missing in let it go.
  6. What is the color of Elsa's waistband of her dress?
  7. How many bees buzz by Olaf in "Summer"?
  8. What animal is the floatie in Olaf's summer scene?
  9. What is Anna's last word before she freezes?
  10. Did you like the movie?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Frozen?