How much do you know about...Donald Trump?

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This is just a little quiz that I threw together about (How much do you know about...Donald Trump?) Yes these are all facts, and yes, I`am not American.

This is just a little quiz that I threw together about (How much do you know about...Donald Trump?) Yes these are all facts, and yes, I`am not American. :D

Created by: 070085915

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  1. Donald Trump has smoked and dranked an d took drugs in his life.
  2. Donald Trump doe's not have a star in the hollywood walk of fame.
  3. Donald Trump has his own board game.
  4. Donald Trump launched his own brand of vodka into the world.
  5. Donald Trump has been sent to a military academy.
  6. Donald Trump was named Donald because of the character Donald Duck.
  7. Donald Trump has never meet Barack Obama.
  8. Donald Trump likes shaking hands.
  9. Donald Trump dyed hair.
  10. Lastly...Donald Trump doe's not like Ted Cruz because he's Canadian.

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about...Donald Trump?