How much do you know about ballet?

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Are you a ballerina seeking to know how much you really know about ballet? Or perhaps a non-dancer wondering how good of a score you can get without knowing a thing?

Maybe you saw a ballet recently, and what to know how much you really know about ballet, and what it takes to be a dancer. Or maybe you're just taking this quiz for fun. Whatever the reason is, you clicked on this quiz, so now go ahead! Take it! Enjoy! And please like, comment, and rate it!

Created by: Adora Hostetler
  1. First of all, what language is most of ballet in?
  2. What is a fondu?
  3. Which of these is not a ballet move?
  4. How do you spell the ballet move which means to go to the front, side, back, and then side again?
  5. What is the ballet move where you slightly bend your knees?
  6. What kind of turn do you touch your toe to your opposite knee and spin in place?
  7. What is the difference between pointe shoes and ballet shoes?
  8. What is the difference between toe shoes and pointe shoes?
  9. Which of these is a ballet move?
  10. Which of these shows you are NOT ready for pointe.
  11. Which of these shows you ARE ready for pointe?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about ballet?
