How Much Do You Know About Cats?

What is a cat lover normaly if you passed 70+ you love cats normlay I fu gte a bad score you don't relly like them but study mroe na du be a pro cat lover plz take na dhav efun?

Are you a cat lover do you think you can pass if so take ts quiz and se eif you know cats 70+ you passe dteh text don't worry its not taht hard not easy etheir no cheaitng!!

Created by: queenashleycat
  1. Can cats drink milk?
  2. What are 3 breeds?
  3. How much whiskers?
  4. What's most popular breed?
  5. What's the dif fof shorthai and longhair?
  6. How long can cats live the most?
  7. How old are kittens?
  8. How long to cats sleep average?
  9. Are cats cute -this is a quiz tip: you must say e si fu say no its wrong-
  10. Are cats bette rthen dogs look up cats are mor epop?
  11. Bonus: what's your fav color if you guess my fav you got it right.
  12. Bonus: what's your fav color if you guess my fav you got it right.

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Cats? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Cats Quiz category.