How Mental Are You???

There are many people who have a special kind of disability out there. And there are people who act like normal people. Before you start taking this quiz I wanna tell you that no matter what result you get, everyone's unique and spcial in their own way. It what makes you , you!

Are YOU mental?? Do you think you act ok in the first place?? Heck, I don't know! But with this extra special quiz ( Or at least I think It is! ) You will find out in just a few minutes! Are you ready to find out your result?? Hope you enjoy my quiz!

Created by: Natalie
  1. Do you write like a preschooler??
  2. Do you spell letter's backwards??
  3. Do play with your hands and act like their a space ship even though your'e past 4th grade??
  4. Do you take special medication cuz your'e so hyper??
  5. Are you ok right NOW??
  6. Do you go up to random people and say hi in a " retarted " way?? Sorry I didn't mean to offend you if you do.....
  7. Do you suck your thumb??
  8. Doooo la poo de dooooo!
  9. Do you make your'e face turn red on purpose??
  10. DO NOT LIE ON MY QUIZ JUST TO GET THE RESULTS YOU WANT!!!! I'm not yelling i'm just saying please don't do that, i would appreciate that ( No offect )
  11. Last Q: Do you wave to random people having a weird look on your face??
  12. Haha! Jk! The last one was not the last question, but this is! Well, bye!

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Quiz topic: How Mental am I???