How mean are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How mean are you?

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  • 49% mean

    You'r half in half. Basically, there is nothing wrong with being half mean and half nice. At least you are not considered a mean-ass b!tch, or a pushover. You are nice at times, but when your buttons get pushed, here comes the wench-ifyed person who won't take any crap from no-one.

    lol so right

  • You are 36% Mean!

    You'r half in half. Basically, there is nothing wrong with being half mean and half nice. At least you are not considered a mean-ass b!tch, or a pushover. You are nice at times, but when your buttons get pushed, here comes the wench-ifyed person who won't take any crap from no-one.

  • You are 34% Mean!

    You'r half in half. Basically, there is nothing wrong with being half mean and half nice. At least you are not considered a mean-ass b!tch, or a pushover. You are nice at times, but when your buttons get pushed, here comes the wench-ifyed person who won't take any crap from no-one.

  • You are 92% Mean!

    You'r not MEAN, you'r EVIL! You are the type who would say something that would break the other person's heart, and not give a flying turd-ball about it!! Am I right?? Now, i got two words that really needs to run through your head.....LIGHTEN UP! Don't be so mean to others! Nobody is trying to make you be a pushover cupcake with sprinkles on top!! Just be half in half. Trust me.

    usually i dont post the entire thing but hehhehehehehehe thats freakin hilarious especialloy the pushover cupcake thing


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