How mauch are you like me?

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9:00...getting tired...must finish quiz. Remember to comment and request! the first 5 reqest will be taken made and you will recieve a shout out on the quiz!!!

Are YOU like me? Find out and remember to comment and request! the first 5 reqest will be taken made and you will recieve a shout out on the quiz!!!!!

Created by: ACB
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are your grades in school?
  2. How many BFFL's do you hang out with?
  3. You are...
  4. Before bed you...
  5. Do you have a pet?
  6. OMG!!! i just realized i spelled "much" wrong! Do you forgive me?
  7. Are you a clutz?
  8. Have you ever read MATTCHED, THE HUNGER GAMES, OR HARRY POTTER? the movies do not count!!!
  9. Humor is good for the soul?
  10. Do you like me and my quizzes?
  11. Remember to comment and request! the first 5 reqest will be taken made and you will recieve a shout out on the quiz!!!

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Quiz topic: How mauch am I like me?