How Many Kids Are You Gonna Have?? (With Pics)

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Hi I'm Jamie, mom of five! Kristen (15), Ellie (11), Danny (6), Ben (4), and Jade (1) I homeschool all my kids. I am an author and my husband owns a restaurant.

I hope you all enjoy this quiz and remember it's just for fun. Don't forget to rate comment and look for other quizzes I've made! And read my books;) lol.

Created by: Jamie
  1. Imagine, your 4 year old refuses to go to bed and your baby is crying. What do you do?
  2. On a junk food day, what does dinner look like.
  3. What is an appropriate outfit for a 6 year old girl?
  4. What is an appropriate age for a iPad?
  5. What is an appropriate age for a iPod?
  6. What is an appropriate age for a iPhone?
  7. Imagine your in a store and your kids starts screaming on the top of his/her lungs. What do you do?
  8. Will you have any pets.
  9. What is an appropriate outfit for a 6 year old boy?
  10. What do you think is an appropriate age to stop using a car seat?

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Quiz topic: How Many Kids am I Gonna Have?? (With Pics)