How Long Could You Survive against the Zombies?

There are many depictions of Zombies and the undead.................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Created by: Ian Hecox

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First off, how are you doing today?
  2. Ok, you are just sittin, chillin on the couch when all of the sudden the news says that strange looking assailants are biting people... ur reaction?
  3. Turns out that those "assailants" are actually zombies, what is your first course of action?
  4. Now describe where you live...
  5. You get some supplies together, what do you pack?
  6. You got supplies and you have a cell phone, you decide to call up your friends for fellow survivors, who's in your group?
  7. Where will you and your group make your base?
  8. You examine your weapons, you have a melee and a firearm, what melee weapon will u use?
  9. What firearm will you use?
  10. You and your group are walking down a dirt road, when you suddenly see an old car lot, what vehicle will you use?
  11. You and your group arrive at your base, what is your first order of buisiness?
  12. You and your group are settling into the new base, what do you spend most of your time doing?
  13. ok, here comes the hypotheticals: You and your group are chillin in your base when suddenly a group of 3 survivors come up to your base's window and beg you to let them in... u?
  14. You and your group come across a large city, you?
  15. Your best friend and girlfriend are being attacked at the same time you...
  16. Your base is surrounded by zombies and you are running low on ammunition, you...
  17. Your base is now swarming with the undead, your friends are about to be eaten you...
  18. Based on your choices what member of the team are you?

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