How Long Would you survive nazi zombies in real life

What if there was nazi zombies in real life. you play it in call of duty, but what round would you get to if it was in real life. take this quiz to see!

What round would YOU get to? would your style of playing get you killed. how long would you survive without the glithches. to find out take this awsome quiz!

Created by: Gates of
(your link here more info)
  1. How do you beat round 1?
  2. What do you buy first?
  3. whats your strategy for surviving?
  4. which perk do you prefer?
  5. YOU TRADE your ppsh for
  6. you accendently trade monkey bombs for molotovs, you...
  7. how do you use the wunderwaffe?
  8. some body starts taking kills from the window your protecting, you...
  9. on a dog round you...
  10. everyone is downed but you, what do you do

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