How Lazy Are You??

Week 1: Warm up: 1 set of 20 reps - Rest 1 minute: 1 set of 12: Use 50% of your max - Rest 1 minute: 1 set of 10: Use 60% of your max - Rest 1 minute: 1 set of 8: Use 70% of your max - Rest 1 to a minute and a Minute and half 1 set of 8: Use 80% of your max.

Week 2: Warm up: 1 set of 20 reps - Rest 1 minute: 1 set of 12: Use 50% of your max - Rest 1 minute: 1 set of 10: Use 60% of your max - Rest 1 minute: 1 set of 8: Use 70% of your max - Rest 1 to a minute and a Minute and half 1 set of 7: Use 80% of your max.

Created by: mallory
  1. when you wake up you:
  2. when you go and watch tv you:
  3. when your friend is talking to you you:
  4. when your teacher yell at you you:
  5. its the last day of school before spring break you:
  6. are you blond
  7. is this funny: a blonde, a redhead and a burnette got lost in the dessrt and god give them 3 wishes the redhead said she want to go home so shes home the burnette said she wan to go to her family she back with her family the blonde said aww i wish my friends were here
  8. are you dumb?
  9. will you subcribe me on youtube (the three last question dont count) its lifesimmer
  10. follow me on instagram! its zookei
  11. do it for the vine

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Quiz topic: How Lazy am I??