Are you lazy or not?

Are you lazy or not? Find out in this quiz! If you are not lazy, have a smiley face! It would be very good if you were 0 percent lazy. Take this quiz for the fun!

Do you sit around all day? Do you sleep all day? Do you go outside? Why not? Go outside and work out! Play hopscotch, jumprope, ANYTHING TO DO OUTSIDE!!! :D

Created by: Alissa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you go out of the house?
  2. What do you like to do on weekends?
  3. Do you do favors for other people?
  4. Would you swim or do sports?
  5. What would you do if your friend said: "Come on! Let's go to this party!"
  6. Do you have any broken bones?
  7. How fast do you type?
  8. Do you pay attention to your spelling? But it's okay if you don't know HOW to spell it.
  9. Are you sitting in bed on your laptop right now?
  10. Last question: If you know you are lazy why are you on this?
  11. Thank you for taking this quiz. Now see your results!

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Quiz topic: Am I lazy or not?