How gross are you?

there are many gross people and gross people are people that burp and fart it is so descusting gross people are also well also talk about gross stuff so do not be one of those people!

are you gross? well you are about to find out in just a minute if you are gross and BE HONEST i do not want liers thankyou and i hope yuo have a great time

Created by: Tatiana
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you mostly do on saturday's?
  2. do you bug your siblings alot? bug them by doing what?
  3. are you a gross person?
  4. do you hate gross people
  5. do you hate tatiana detherage?
  6. did you like this quiz?
  7. are you sure?
  8. seriously are you SURE???
  9. did you like this quiz again?
  10. okay thankyou for likeing this quiz or not liking it do you want me too say bye?
  11. okay even if you said know i am still gonna say by okay? bye!

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Quiz topic: How gross am I?