how gothy are u?

ever wanted to be a goth? or just know where u stood on the goth to girly scale? this is the quiz for u! lots of results and a bit of fun if ur bored.

are u goth or not? hey! who cares? it ain't the end of the world. if u r then be urself! if ur not then who cares? anyway, this quiz should be interesting enough

Created by: quizmaster

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what's ur fave colour
  2. what kind of makeup
  3. do you always wear an item of black
  4. how social are u
  5. what would u prefer to be
  6. what's ur fave animal
  7. what do u prefer to be doing
  8. how popular would u consider yourself
  9. woul.d u consider urself gothy
  10. did u enjoy this quiz (doesn't affect result)

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