How good of a cheetah are you?

Cheetahs are very clever,fast,brave,and smart animals.There speed is 93km/h!Why did I make this test about cheetahs?I made this test because cheetahs are very beautiful animals!On top of that they are AWESOME hunters!

Do you like cheetahs?Do you ever wonder what kind of cheetah you could be if you were one?Well because of this simple quiz you can finally figure that question out!

Created by: cheetahandwolves
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how strong are you?
  2. If someone rudely enters your territory,what do you do?
  3. when you're mad what do you do?
  4. what is your appetite like?
  5. is this test boring? (no effect)
  6. do you like getting your ¨paws¨ dirty or are you a neat freak?
  7. What does asdfghjkmnbhi mean?
  8. Are you gifted?
  9. If someone asks to kiss you what do you say?
  10. how fast are you?

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Quiz topic: How good of a cheetah am I?