How good can you estimate?

This quiz is for real smart people! Very hard questions! Estimate what is the best answer. Beware, this is very hard!!!!!!! Don't cheat by looking on the internet!

Are you good at estimating? Find out NOW!! Do this wonderful test and you will finally know why you got such (bad) grades at school! There are no answers so you will have to find them yourself...

Created by: tiger
  1. How much litres milk does a baby whale drink per day?
  2. About how many square meters is South-Afrika?
  3. The flight distance from Washington, District of Columbia to London, United Kingdom is:
  4. About how many cubic meters is the earth?
  5. How long would it take to walk to the sun (without having a rest)?
  6. (Estimated) percentage of German households with dogs:
  7. How many wild African elephants are there?
  8. How many ants would it take to weigh as much as a average human?
  9. About how many babies are born each day?
  10. How many personal computers are in use?

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Quiz topic: How good can I estimate?