How good are your sleeping habits?

Do you think you have regular and healthy sleeping habits? Think again - are you absolutely sure? This test can help you to find out more................

Do you think you have regular and healthy sleeping habits? Think again - are you absolutely sure? This test can help you to find out more. ...............

Created by: Aleksandra
  1. Do you enjoy staying in bed for a long period of time?
  2. Are you a night owl?
  3. How many hours do you sleep per night?
  4. Do you start to feel sleepy at the same time every day?
  5. How much coffee do you drink?
  6. What is the perfect plan for Friday night?
  7. Do you enjoy sleeping late?
  8. Choose one of the destination for the perfect vacation.
  9. Would you ignore sleep in order to do something else?
  10. Did you enjoy that test?

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Quiz topic: How good am Ir sleeping habits?