How fun are you?

There is one thing you can expect from life: the three categories of people. The Funny, the Average, and the Dull. You probably score in the Dull. The thing is, I don't really care. That is why you must take this quiz.

The Funny can be recognized by their frequent trips to the bathroom, O C D, and other things. Averages are those who fill in the gaps between them. But Dulls... those are the ones that are just not smart enough to be Funny.

Created by: Reskavik
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your name?
  2. What time is it?
  3. What are you?
  4. How do you greet friends?
  5. How many times have you taken this quiz?
  6. What is the color of your room's wall?
  7. How many lights are in the room you are in?
  8. What color is your hair?
  9. Which vehicle is your favorite?
  10. What pet do you have?

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Quiz topic: How fun am I?