How fun are you

try this quiz and see how fun the rest of humanity might find you and remember its all about having fun fun and don't worry if you don't get a good mark it's only for a laugh

have a wicked time ...waiting ...still waiting ...sorry people trying to use up all my charictures thats why spaces are so big

Created by: kelly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you spend your saterdays doing
  2. d oyou like going out to parties
  3. what is your fav colour
  4. What is your favrouite hobby
  5. Are you envolved in some sort of club or organiseation
  6. If you answered yes to the previous question what are you envolved in
  7. What knid of film/movies do you like
  8. If you see some one being beaten up what do you do
  9. If you see some one being beaten up what do you do
  10. If you see some one being beaten up what do you do
  11. If you see some one being beaten up what do you do
  12. how would you describe your self
  13. how would you describe your self
  14. how would your friends decribe you
  15. are you some times random
  16. what show is rthe best from the list bellow
  17. how fun wiould you rate your self
  18. a guy walks in to a bar
  19. was that joke funny
  20. a farmer has 21 sheep all but 21 die how many are left
  21. a farmer has 704363 sheep in a feil and 58 die how many are left in the feild
  22. Don't wory you won't have to endure any more jokes nearlly finished # where those jokes any good
  23. was this a fun quiz to take

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Quiz topic: How fun am I