How foolish are you? revisited

There are many people in the world, all with varying degrees of foolishness around them. Foolish people aren't just the ones that cant see the wood for the trees, they are also the people that put the fork in their right, because thats their strong hand.

You may have wandered around this globe until now thinking you were pretty smart. Well smart isn't worth a thing if you have the sense of a blind dingbat. If you want to prove to the world you're no fool, or quietly find out if you are, take the quiz by answering truthfully what you would do (not what you think is right), and in a few minutes, you'll know for sure.

Created by: Ian Brooks

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're in a bank thats being robbed, and you see a chance to take the guys gun, would you:
  2. Your friends are messing around, and they take your shoes for a joke and throw them on the overhead lines, would you:
  3. Your fully loaded gun didn't shoot when you pulled the trigger, would you first:
  4. Someone rings you at work looking for, say, Anita Phowart. Would you:
  5. Your sister has rung you up, ranting furiously over something you did. Would you:
  6. A guy walks up to you in the street and asks you for your name, would you:
  7. You walk into a public toilet where there are two cubicles and three urinals along one wall. One cubicle is locked, the other has a broken flush. There is a guy at the sinks, and a guy in the middle one of the three urinals, would you:
  8. Your computer stalls and crashes. It wont respond to the mouse or keyboard, so you have to turn it off at the button. But when it turns back on, it doesn't boot up, would you:
  9. It's a blazing hot Sunday, and you decide to sort the garden. There's weeds all over the place, the grass is long but dry and the bushes are a little over grown. Do you:
  10. If you are judged as foolish by this quiz, will you:

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Quiz topic: How foolish am I? revisited