how fat are you quiz

some people are fat some are skinny, you dont have to be asham stay strong,being skinny is just a boney person but is also more active. never say no to food but never eat all of it if you think i should add any more questions pleas comment n i will see

are you fat or are you siknny? no more wondering or people telling you heres a quiz just for you to find out you self in just a few minutes, fat or skinny if you think i should add any more questions pleas comment n i will see

Created by: tiffany
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how may meals do u eat a day
  2. hungry tired an whant something to eat what do u go for.
  3. if you get to chose what will it be
  4. do you eat a night snack
  5. how may times do you have a snack
  6. are you fat or skinny
  7. when you as people are u fat what do they say
  8. do you eat every thing on your plate
  9. macadis or casavana
  10. can people carry you
  11. do you work out
  12. if you were a cheerleader what would you be most likly (BE HONEST!!!)

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Quiz topic: How fat am I quiz