how evil are you?

their are devils out there beware and there is just only one question you have to answer... are you one of them. so demons and devils for you puppies are red and flaming oh joy oh joy.

light may shine on your life decisions may lead to good... oh lets face it your just a big teddy bear. so how are all your little harps robes wings and halos when the world is gone and no one checks in to the golden gates.

Created by: garrett

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. a puppy slides toward you in an ally so you...
  2. your cat meows too much so you...
  3. you die on a computer game because of your online friend so you...
  4. say you do try to kill your teammates so you...
  5. your brother annoys you so you...
  6. your computer crashes so you...
  7. you take a stupid quiz made by your friend and feel stupid (like that would happen) so you...
  8. say you get to a question that asks if you have been honest (this question)...
  9. someone accidentally hits you with a rock so you...
  10. you finish a stupid quiz that your friend made and hated it so you...

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Quiz topic: How evil am I?