How dumb are you?

There are many dumb people in the world and not a nuff smart peps. So are you dumb? Well i dont know that but if you take the quiz i can ferger it out for you.

Are You dumb do you have wat it takes to flunk this quiz?well you well figure it out in a little while if you take this quiz? In a few mins yall figure it out so take the quiz

Created by: katelyn

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Goerge w bush got a 70% and 25% for being the next president of usa so how much % does he have?
  2. You have 32 cows lying on your field.A big strom came and killed 6 many cows are lying on the field.
  3. You and your friends stop at a fastfood place to get somthing to eat. yOU BOUGHT 14 ham sandwhiches, 4 cheesebugers, 6 hotdogs. how many drinks did you buy.
  4. I once new a blond who thought meow mix was a cd for cats. what is meow mix.
  5. the next 5 questions afert this are all related to each other. Plus there coomon since so you get 1 point off of each you miss. How do you put a graffi in a refreigetor?
  6. How do you put a monkey in a refregeator?
  7. The lion king was holding an animal meeting all animals were etended but with one.
  8. Why was the monkey the right answer?
  9. You want to cross a river but its used by the alligator you dont have a baot so how you get across
  10. Why do you jump in and swim across?

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Quiz topic: How dumb am I?