How Dumb are you?

There are many smart people, but there are tons of dumb people. Find out if you are smart or dur dur dur dumb. Dont take it hard though, I mean like I said there are tons of dumb people.

Hopefully you end up as you want to. Remember this is just for fun so dont take it badly if you get a low score. Studying always helps you know!!!!! STAY IN SCHOOL!!!!

Created by: Lindsey of piczo
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. There are 10 cherries you eat 5 of them. How many cherries are left?
  2. If the Vice President dies who will be the President?
  3. Lee's parents imagrated from China. They have five children. The first four are named La,Le,Li,and Lo. What did they name the Fifth one?
  4. A red house is made of redbricks, a blue house is made of bluebricks and a pink house is made of pinkbricks. If theres a green house, what color bricks would it have?
  5. Do they have a 4th of July in England?
  6. A rancher has a heard of 33 cattle in his field. All of a sudden there was a huge Lightning bolt that came down and killed all but 9 cows. How many cows are left now?
  7. Two U.S. coins are worth a total of $0.30, and one of them is not a nickel. What are the coins?
  8. You're the pilot of an airplane that travels from New York to Chicago - a distance of 800 miles. The plane travels at 200 MPH and makes one stop for 30 minutes. What is the pilot's name?
  9. Some months have 31 days, and some months have 30 days. But how many have 28 days?
  10. George Bush's approval rating has recently fluctuated between 35% and 60%. Approximately what chance does George Bush have to win the 2008 Presidential election?

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Quiz topic: How Dumb am I?