How dumb are you?

Everyone goes shopping at some point and time, but few people know how. Most customers angry employees to the brink of insanity. Are you one of these people? You very well may be, but you just don't know it.

How dumb are you when it comes to conducting yourself in a decent manner when out shopping? Has an employee ever wanted to kill you? Do you cause people to smoke and have nervous breakdowns? Take this quiz and in a few moments you will find out...

Created by: JerzJuggalette
  1. When you want to check out of a store you?
  2. When in a dollar store you...
  3. When you go into a store with no bags and purchase three bags of things you
  4. Do you know how to use a debit card?
  5. Your customers total comes to $11.26, the customer hands you $21.26, what is their change?
  6. Do you look at aisle labels?
  7. If you break something in a store do you...
  8. What are you more likely to do?
  9. If you pull open a door to go into the store you
  10. If something is three for a dollar, how much is each object?

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Quiz topic: How dumb am I?